I have always had a propensity for graphic design, based in Vancouver BC.
After working at different agencies for over 10 years, I realized that my time would be better spent working with clients and actually helping them achieve their goals rather than only cares about profits.
I found it interesting to make WordPress.
600 oz. of gold ! A Good days work on Paradise Hill Photo L. Knol
I am pleased to submit herewith my report entitled “Paradise Hill”. Based on the preparation work done starting 1982, as detailed further on, my conclusions strongly support the
viability of investment in placer mining operation on these claims. As a matter of fact, sufficient testing proved this property to bear extremely high values of
gold, far above any present known gravel valuations in the entire Klondike areas.
The testing operation yielded 0.16 ounce per cubic yard. Decomposed bedrock is at present reached at 10 meters. Washable pay gravels starts direct at the top all the way down and reaches a value of a pennyweight each pan at bedrock level. The test hole is 60 meters wide at the North site and is still increasing its values per cubic yard going direction centre hill. Work can be done under excellent conditions. The upper part of the hill is flat. There is almost no overburden and no permafrost so far has been found.
– Good water supply – High grade of Gold
– Easy to reach by road – Close to suppliers/ transportation
– Large reserves – Minimum over burden – No permafrost